- Dreads, rat-tails or any other atrocious hairstyles. (mullets are worth two points)
- Incredibly badly-behaved dogs. (extra point if there are two, and they're constantly fighting/barking/fucking)
- Marijuana (one point if you only smell it, extra point if you're offered some)
- Loudness (you'll definitely hear them before you see them)
- ENCOURAGEMENT. (more than you will ever, ever need)
- Littering (especially bits of finger-tape and cigarette ends, they aren't really litter right?)
- Uncomfortably close spotting (you'll feel violated)
- If they all easily flash your project you get the BASQUE BONUS (three points)
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Caligula stand 7C |
I should throw out the #notall disclaimer now. Obviously there are some lovely Spaniards who sneak to and from the boulders, leaving no trace but meticulously edited Instagram photos. But as with all of these 'not all (insert group here)' conversations, it doesn't have to be all of them to have a negative impact. I'm sure not everybody who likes swimming in the river Manzanares during the summer months treats the area with disrespect, but it doesn't matter, it's banned now.
I'm sure it's not just a Spanish thing either, but I definitely see a cultural divide in the amount of litter in Spain compared to England. And I don't even climb in the popular sport climbing areas where anecdotally, it's even worse. So I avoid the crowds, the dogs and the noise; although it has as much to do with my personality as theirs.
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Topping out Caligula- ALONE, with nobody to constantly scream 'VENGA' at me while I'm doing it |
Another thing: I'm self conscious about filming in front of people. Even saying it seems ridiculous in a time when everyone and their mum is constantly go-pro-ing and instagramming their entire lives. I'm not even one of those guys who film everything: I have a broken tripod and a camera from best buy. But it doesn't matter, I'm still worried that someone might mistake me for someone who is like that.
These are my justifications for solitude. Reading it back, some reasons are valid, but others read like stereotypical British neurosis. It's definitely not for everyone. To tie it up in a nice little bow: clean up your shit, control your dogs/hair and if I see you at the crag, you've probably just ruined my session.
P.S. If you're reading this and you have dreads, I'm obviously not talking about your hair.
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